The Rules


  1. The name of the lottery is the “Ansty 200 Club” and will initially be limited to 200 tickets. Hereafter it will be referred to as “the 200 Club”.
  2. The purpose of the 200 Club is to raise funds for Ansty Community Sports Club (“the Club”). The money will be used towards the maintenance and improvement of the Club’s facilities for the benefit of members.  The Club location is Ansty Sports Club, Deaks Lane, Ansty, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 5AS.


  1. Tickets for the 200 Club will be available for purchase by any members or friends of Ansty Sports Club who are over the age of 16. Each ticket will be issued in the name and address of the participant and will not be transferable.
  2. The 200 Club will be run on an annual basis, starting on the 1st of June each year. The first membership year begins on 1 June 2023 and ends on 31 May 2024. Membership of the 200 Club will be automatically rolled over into the next draw year at the end of May.
  3. The subscription for a ticket (or number) shall cost £5 a month or £60 for the year. Payments must be made by regular payment (monthly or annually) or by annual cheque.
  4. Each participant in the 200 Club will be allocated one number between one and 200 for each subscription. The maximum number of tickets available will initially be capped at 200; however, this may be amended in future by the 200 Club Administrator.
  5. Admission to the draw will commence in the month of receipt of the subscription payment. Participants wishing to join after the start of the normal 200 Club membership year will be charged a pro-rata amount for the rest of the subscription year and will be entered in the next available draw following payment.
  6. Subject to paragraph 9, a ticket is eligible for inclusion in the draw so long as the subscription is paid up to date by the last day of the month. Participants will retain their allocated ticket number(s) until such time as they leave the 200 Club, or it is disbanded.
  7. Only tickets held from the beginning of the 200 Club year will be eligible to benefit from the full Bonus Prize Fund in the Christmas Draw. Tickets purchased after the beginning of the 200 Club year will be included in the Bonus Draw but will only be eligible for a pro-rata share based on the duration of the membership.
  8. Participants wishing to leave the 200 Club should do so at the end of the membership for that year. The first membership year begins on 1 June 2023 and ends on 31 May 2024.  Refunds will not be given.  A participant will be deemed to have left the 200 Club if his or her renewal of subscription remains unpaid for a period of one month.
  9. There is no limit to the number of tickets which may be purchased by the household or a participant.


  1. The 200 Club will operate as a “Small Lottery” as defined by the Gambling Act 2005 and registered with Mid Sussex District Council’s Licensing Team. It will be administered by the 200 Club Administrator as appointed by the Management Committee.  The 200 Club Administrator will submit a return to the Council’s Licensing Team within three months of each the draw.
  2. The 200 Club’s accounts will be maintained and available for inspection on request made to the Treasurer of the Club. The 200 Club’s accounts will also be presented to the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
  3. In line with legislation, at least 20% of all funds raised will go to the Club Development Fund. Funds raised will be split approximately 50% / 50% between the Prize Fund and the Club Development Fund. A small proportion of the funds may be used to cover administrative costs should these be incurred.
  4. The rules of the 200 Club will be available via The Club website and any changes will be notified to Participants via the Club website.
  5. The 200 Club will consist of eleven monthly draws and one bonus draw, at Christmas. Except for the December draw, the monthly draws will normally take place on the first Friday of the following month.
  6. Each monthly draw will be held at the Club and will be witnessed by no less than two members of the Management Committee. The draw will be made by random allocation and the winning numbers will be recorded in the Management Committee minutes.
  7. The 200 Club Secretary reserves the right to exclude any participant who does not conform to the rules of the 200 Club and declare any associated tickets and winnings null and void.
  8. Participants have the right to appeal to the Management Committee of the Club, who will have the final decision on any matter requiring adjudication. The Management Committee shall have the power to amend or revoke these rules at their absolute discretion.

Prize Draw

  1. A draw will be made every month with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. The prizes will total 50% of the annual income and will be apportioned as follows:
    1. For 11 out of 12 months – 1st prize of 25%, 2nd prize of 14% and 3rd prize of 8% of the monthly income.
    2. For the bonus draw in December – 1st prize of 50%, 2nd prize of 21% and 3rd prize of 12% of the monthly income.

The tables below illustrate the monthly size distribution for the 11 months of the year and for the bonus month.

  1.  The 200 Club Administrator will make all reasonable efforts to pay or post prizes to the winners within a reasonable period after the monthly draw. The payment of monies to the prize winners will be by cheque or bank transfer, as specified by the individual winners.  The bank transfer will be made to the bank account on the winner’s entry form.  Cheques will be posted to the address on the entry form.
  2. The winner of each draw will be notified by e-mail. as soon as possible after the draw. It is the responsibility of the participant to advise the 200 Club Administrator of any change of address. A list of prize-winning numbers for each draw will be published on the Club website.
  3. The name and numbers for each month’s winners will be posted on the Club’s website and in its news bulletin.
  4. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into the Ansty Community Sports Club funds after six months. Any prize cheque not cashed within 5 months will be deemed a donation to the Club. [cheques are cancelled by banks after 6 months]